Seamark X-1000 Component Counter

Seamark introduced the X-1000 component counter to the industry as a cost effective inventory management solution.

Today, the X-ray scanner is being deployed as standard equipment for SMT manufacturing. It is the prerequisite making progress possible for the Industry 4.0. The X-1000 has simplified the electronics manufacturing inventory management problems overnight.

Key Points

  • Count four reels (7’’) simultaneously
  • No parts teaching required, automatic learning mode
  • Parts can be recognised via images if required
  • Counting of components in high packing density
  • Counting of reels inside MSL bags even in the presence dry packs is possible

Seamark are very proud of their advanced AI learning algorithms, yielding accurate and reliable results

Automatic learning mode and smart algorithms support counting of unknown components, jedec trays, loose reels etc.

The system can also handle bagged reels containing moisture bags and large component in high density packaging.